emerging technology & the future
a framework for thinking about the future. research areas worth thinking about (2024).
what we will have achieved by 2100. a scattering of low-confidence predictions; more fun than scientific (2023).
Exploring dreamscapes. dreams and VR could be two underexplored levers in unlocking human potential (2023).
AI progress & philosophy. snippets of learnings (2023).
AI & art. on the evolution of human expression (2022).
Posthumanity and the Future of BCI Startups. exploring a transhuman future (Predict, 2020).
a response to “effective accelerationism”. on the preservation of consciousness and humanity (2022).
technological determinism in bullet points. tech will disproportionately impact individual identity (2020)
what debates in 2050 could look like: a series exploring ideas relevant to the medium-term future
Identity (2023).
technology & product design
another twitter take. brief commentary on product changes & user retention (2022).
the curious allure of dating apps. dating app neuroscience and product design (2021).
An Open Letter to Nonmillennials. The implications of growing up in a phygital world (OneZero Digest, 2019).
Status-conscious. a meditation on collective consciousness (2022).
what the future will look like. a techno-optimistic outlook (2021).
we don’t read poetry anymore. meditations on the attention economy (2022).
waiting for superman. submission for an EA writing contest (2021).
down the trash chute. Coming soon.
100 questions for 2022. on tech, cause prioritisation, system design, and meaning (2021-22)
on the simulation argument and virtual worlds. a semi-technical stream of consciousness (2021).
deterministic chaos. The universe is written, but incalculable (2021).
misc. research
Gamification Techniques in Mobile Health Applications. A proposed investigation to explore the effectiveness of gamification techniques in promoting goal-directed behaviour in mobile health app users
Karate-Do: Politics, Secrecy, and Tradition in the Art of the Empty Hand. Exploring the role of social and political factors in the development and spread of Shotokan karate.
Explaining the irrational appeal of the word ‘potato’: an empirical investigation of lexical preferences. Coming soon.
a tiny manifesto for incoming college students. reflections from a weathered graduating student (2021).
A Pandemic Rant. Fragmented thoughts on isolation, identity, and technology in the pandemic-paradigm (2020).
Learning to be a Japanese Karateka. An adapted letter that I wrote to my Sensei, telling them about my experiences learning karate in Tokyo, and my subsequent insights into Japanese culture (2019, The Empty Hand).
older writing
How to Prepare for AI. the survival guide for living amongst superintelligence (2020, Towards Data Science).
AI’s Biggest Crime Yet — Stealing the Freedom of Human Expression. (Hackernoon, 2018).
0x11: The Societal Impact of AI (Bots+Beer, 2018).
The Questions We’re Going to be Asking When Artificial Intelligence Takes Over. (Hackernoon. 2018).
Fitness, Longevity, Preventive Healthcare & Wearable Tech. Health perception in India, the rise of mobile wellness apps, and how the GOQii platform can be leveraged to provide the complete healthcare experience (Written for GOQii, 2019).
100 Questions About the Past, Present & Future of Humanity. Capitalism, happiness, AI, and the human condition: a radical, unrefined stream of consciousness (Hackernoon, 2019).